Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cadastral Map

This kind of map is used to show the boundaries and ownership of parcels of land. This map shows the division of land parcels in Cyprus. Notice the different sizes and shapes of each land parcel.

Thematic Map

A Thematic map shows the variation in geographic distributions such as climate or population. This Thematic map shows the projected population change that will occur between 2006 and 2011 in southern California.

Topographic Map

A Topographic map is a reflection of the Earth’s surface. It uses contour lines to indicate and shading to indicate elevation. The Centre for Topographic Information provides this definition of a topographic map: "A topographic map is a detailed and accurate graphic representation of cultural and natural features on the ground."

Planimetric Map

This is a planimetric map that shows the population distribution throughout the United States. Brightness indicates the density of population in that area. Dark areas indicate little or no population density.

Mental Map

Legible London invited people to draw a map of London from memory. The idea was to show how people use different ways to mentally navigate their way through a city.